November 19 & 20, 2015
Holiday Inn Peterborough Waterfront
Register to attend one or both days and reserve your hotel room now to take advantage of the OBA discounted group rate! Rates and availability guaranteed until Sunday, October 18, 2015 - so reserve now!
Conference highlights include the latest research, best management practices and/or treatments related to small hive beetle, AFB, nosema, varroa and pesticides. Provincial Apiarist, Paul Kozak, will be in attendance and presenting both days, as will OBA’s Tech-Transfer team.
Are you a commercial beekeeper? You can find out more about Agricorp’s new Bee Mortality Insurance Program and other programs with big benefits.
Are you interested in building your toolkit and expanding your beekeeping business? There will be lots of interactive presentations on labelling, marketing and promotion, and developing or expanding related lines of business.
Do you like honey? We’ve got some sweet opportunities for you. Take part in a Honey Tasting workshop to learn how to raise your local profile and run a honey tasting event in your own community. Want to explore more of Ontario’s diverse and unique terroir? Take part in HEx, a honey exchange at the conference – something new this year that we saw at this year’s EAS conference in Guelph. Bring 3 jars of your own honey and take away 3 jars.
Do you like to meet old friends or make new connections? The conference offers great networking opportunities with your fellow beekeepers, including the Buzz Banquet, the conference gala event.
Bring your shopping list. Some of Ontario’s best-known suppliers will be onsite and keen to engage with you.
Holiday Inn Peterborough Waterfront
Standard city view room: $109 (2 double or 1 king)
Standard river view room: $129 | King river view room: $145 | Free parking, standard internet.
Reservations: 705 743-1144 | 866 258-5181.
Quote: Ontario Beekeepers’ Association AGM & Conference when calling to make your reservation. Or use this link to hotel registration to register online at the OBA rates.
Call for Nominations and Resolutions
Taking place prior to the AGM:
Free Bee Biosecurity Workshop for GF2
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
10:00 am – 2:30 pm
Presented by the Ontario Soil and Crop Association, funded by Growing Forward 2 and piggybacked onto the OBA Annual Meeting, beekeepers are invited to attend this free one-day Bee Biosecurity Workshop to learn more about on-farm biosecurity best management practices and key areas of your farm to evaluate when developing a biosecurity plan as well as potential cost-share opportunities. Completion of a workshop is one of the requirements for several possible GF2 grants.
Refreshments and snacks will be available. Lunch on your own onsite or bring your own. Although the workshop is free, you must pre-register to attend.