March 2013

AgriDigest: Bee death study creating international buzz

LONDON — An unprecedented Ontario field study of honeybees — and its preliminary finding that bee deaths aren’t linked to a specific p

Pesticide companies plan to increase bee research and protection to avert EU ban

While a European ban on one of their pesticides becomes more likely, manufacturers Syngenta and Bayer announced a plan to support bee health and co

Bee brain study reveals pesticide effect

'The real question is; how did we get into this devastating position in the first place?

Mystery malady kills more bees, heightens worry on farms: NY Times

2013 OMAF Treatment Recommendations

The latest guide for the management of pests and diseases of honey bee

BBC:Neonics damage brains of bees interfering with their ability to learn and remember

Scientists have found that two types of chemicals called neonicotinoids and coumaphos are interfering with the insect's abi

Honey bees can move each other with electric fields: National Geographics

By Ed Yong. A honeybee returns to its hive after a productive visit to a nearby field of flowers, rich in pollen and nectar. It starts to dance.

NPR: Are agriculture's most popular insecticides killing our bees?

Environmentalists and beekeepers are calling on the government to ban some of the country's most

Beekeepers meet with farmers to discuss how to protect against 'bee kills': Guelph Mercury

GUELPH — As corn planting season approaches, some beekeepers in southwestern Ontario may be holding their breath.

Ontario serves up local food bill


Reuters: Groups sue EPA over honey bee deaths, blame some insecticides


OBA: Six Things Growers Can Do To Protect Honey Bees

Best management IPM practices.

The Ontario Beekeepers' Association has developed this six-step reference guide as part of our commitment to

Birds, bees and aquatic life threatened by gross underestimate of toxicity of world's most widely used pesticide

Washington, D.C.

National Bee Diagnostic Centre open for business

Grande Prairie Regional College has opened the National Bee Diagnostic Centre and will begin to accept samples for diagnosis on April 1, 2013.

Oz Bees Going to Canada this season. US next?

Canadian authorities have made no decision on ending live bee imports from Australia as a result of the out-of-control Asian honey bee invasion in

Health Canada: Evaluation of Canadian Bee Mortalities that Coincided with Corn Planting in Spring 2012

(except from conclusion)...The information evaluated suggests that pla

Farms.Com: Working together to protect pollinators

GUELPH, ON - During the spring 2012 corn planting season, 230 separate incidents of bee kills were reported in Ontario (predominantly in the southw

Social bees mark dangerous flowers with chemical signals: Science News

Scientists already knew that some social bee species warn their conspecifics when detecting the presence of a predator near their hive, which in tu

EU states fail to decide on banning pesticides

European Union governments failed to take a decision on whether to restrict the use of certain pesticides that are considered to be harmful to bees

Warm, dry weather aids California almond bloom


2013 Honey Production Insurance Rate Information - Agricorp

Now available in our Industry Information section of

Nosema ceranae escapes fumagillin control in honey bees:

PLOS research abstract:

Neoparticles loaded with bee venom kill HIV: Washington University

Nanoparticles carrying a toxin found in bee venom can destroy human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) while leaving surrounding cells unharmed, research

Working together to protect pollinators

GUELPH, ON (March 8, 2013) – During the spring 2012 corn planting seas

NPR: US biggest honey packer admits 'laundering' Chinese honey

There was bombshell news from the world of honey two weeks ago, and somehow we missed it.

NY Times: Plants use caffeine to lure bees, scientists find

Nothing kicks the brain into gear like a jolt of caffeine. For bees, that is.

APHIS US honey bee pest and disease survey 2011/12

Bee Informed Partnership: This report details the result of a year long, 35 state honey bee survey that, as a primary goal, looked for invasive spe

London Free Press: Beekeepers stung by pesticide study

An unprecedented Ontario field study of honeybees — and its preliminary finding that bee deaths aren’t linked to a specific pesticide used to coat

Watch the EPA pollinator summit webinar: on NOW!

NC State University: Researchers ID mysterious bee disease syndrome

A new long-term study of honey bee health has found that a little-understood disease study authors are calling “idiopathic brood disease syndrome”

Historic datasets reveal effects of climate change and habitat loss on plant-pollinator networks

Are plant-pollinator networks holding together as the insects and plants in the network are jostled by climate change and habitat loss? 

Western Producer: Researchers put bees to work

A researcher who has used bees to distribute biological control agents in greenhouses and organic sunflower fields says the technology has potentia

Rural Voice: Taking steps toward reducing risks to pollinators

By Tracey Baute ‐ Field Crop Entomologist and Greg Stewart ‐ Corn Specialist, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. 

University of Calif. entomology newsletter

Interesting news on the front lines of almond pollination.

The Guardian:UK's national 'inaction' plan on pesticides betrays bees

"A legal requirement for reduction targets is apparently ignored, as ministers' fig leaf for delaying EU-wide action is blown away by their own chi

Nature: Bees, lies and evidence-based policy

Saving bees is a fashionable cause.

Integrated crop pollination may be key to success with many Michigan crops

EAST LANSING, Mich.—An international study revealing the importance of wild pollinators for production of fruits and vegetables is providing new in

Edmonton Journal: Buzz is bees do it better if they're wild

CALGARY - Wild thing. You make my crops spring.