The Governments of Canada and Ontario are launching a new targeted beekeeper intake to support and strengthen the health of managed honey bees and Ontario’s beekeeping sector.
Under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (The Partnership) the new 50 per cent cost share intake opens on June 21, 2021 and will support beekeepers with 10 or more colonies registered with the Provincial Apiarist.
Beekeepers will be able to apply for funding to support honey bee health and business capacity, including the following:
- Purchase equipment to prevent the introduction and spread of disease and increase overwinter survival of bees.
- Sampling and analysis for pests and diseases to increase adoption of integrated pest management and other best management practices.
- Purchase of domestically raised queens to assist in building the resilience of the industry.
- Business supports to help beekeepers grow their business
Changes being introduced under the new intake include:
- A new maximum will allow commercial beekeepers to receive up to $10,000 in cost share funding to reflect the higher cost demands of commercial operations (50 colonies or more).
- The program will continue to provide cost-share funding of up to $3,500 for operations of less than 50 colonies.
Honey extraction equipment and activities related to COVID-19 recovery are included as eligible expenses. For example, supporting the development of websites for online sales and producing Ontario stock to mitigate difficulty in accessing queens or worker bees due to COVID-19.
See the Announcement
See more information about the program