OBA Board of Directors Nominations - 2024

The OBA is led by a Board of 14 dedicated and hard-working volunteers. 

It is critically important to the beekeeping industry in Ontario that your Board represents a diversity of experiences and opinions and that we advocate vigilantly on your behalf to ensure the sustainability of the beekeeping industry in this province. Each year we seek nominations for Board positions.
The following is a short list of some of the duties and responsibilities of a director:
• To bring issues of concern from their local Beekeeping populace to the attention of the board.
• To be the contact between the Association and the Beekeeping members in their area.
• To promote the Ontario Beekeepers’ Association by talking with beekeepers or enthusiasts that are not currently members about the OBA, explaining its value and the benefits of belonging.
• To sit on committees in order to assist in Association activities and achieve it’s programs goals.
• To attend local Association meetings to provide a greater connection to the OBA.
• To participate in policy discussions that will enhance the economic and social wellbeing of Ontario Beekeepers.

As of 2014, the OBA implemented a multi-year approach to Board terms allowing for better continuity and succession-planning. Generally, Board positions are for 3-year terms, however, circumstances creating a vacancy could result in a shorter term. 

This year (2024) there are five (5) Board positions to be filled, with 3-year terms, as well as one (1) board position to be filled, with a 2-year term. In addition, a provisional position may be elected, that member to be brought onto the Board should a position become vacant during the year. Board composition requires at least nine (9) of the 14 Directors represent the commercial apiary industry.
These member's terms end in November and ARE NOT standing for re-election:
Todd Kalisz
Adam Ritchie
Additionally, Daniel Thurston has stepped down from his position on the board.
These member’s terms end in November and ARE standing for re-election:
Michael Barber
Stephen Moore
2024 NOMINATIONS - Accepted until November 8th. Email info@ontariobee.com with any nominations.
Voting will take place on Friday, November 15th during the members meeting as part of the OBA Conference.