Purchase buttons can be found at the bottom of the page.
NB - For BULK orders, please email ttp@ontariobee.com. Shipping rates differ for bulk orders.
Ontario Beekeeping Manual
$28.57 (+GST) 85pgs
- Written by the Tech-Transfer Program, this manual provides information and instructions for basic beekeeping aspects. Chapters include: honey bee biology, basic beekeeping equipment, getting started, honey production, season overview, organic beekeeping, nutrition and more!
Integrated Pest Management for Beekeeping in Ontario Manual
$23.81 (+GST) 45pgs
- Written by the Tech-Transfer Program, this manual provides information and instructions for integrated pest management for beekeeping in Ontario. Chapters include: honey bee pests & disease biology, monitoring, detection & assessment of honey bee pests and diseases, control & prevention and more.
Ontario Introductory Queen Rearing Manual
$25.71 (+GST) 70pgs

- Written by the Tech-Transfer Program, this manual provides information and instructions for the basic principles behind the art of producing honey bee queens. Chapters include: biology of queen rearing, queen cell production, production of mated queens, splits and nucs and much more.
ADVANCED Integrated Pest Management for Beekeeping in Ontario Manual

$23.81 (+GST) 58pgs
- Written by the Tech-Transfer Program, this manual provides information and instructions for what can heavily influence the health of honey bees. In-depth pest and disease information, nutritional and pesticide influence on pests and diseases and a biosecurity plan are all covered in this manual.
- See the Table of Contents HERE
Beekeeping Books
Elemental Genetics and Breeding for the Honey Bee
$20.95 (+ GST) 52pgs

- Written by Dr. Ernesto Guzman-Novoa, this book is intended to provide basic knowledge on the fundamentals of genetics, and practical ways of applying genetic principles for honey bee breeding.
Honey Bee Diseases and Pests (CAPA) 3rd Edition

$14.29 (+ GST) 28pgs
- Full of colour pictures and up to date information with great information about the pest and diseases that afflict the honey bee in Canada.
Purchase Options (Amount charged includes shipping)
(for purchases outside Canada & the US, please email ttp@ontariobee.com)
Apologies, but at this time, due to the Canada Post Strike, we are unable to ship out individual orders. If you have a bulk order request, or would like to purchase multiple books, please reach out to discuss options. You can also purchase and pick up your order at our office in Guelph. Email ttp@ontariobee.com.